Tuesday, August 11, 2009

In room 8 we have a new teacher aid her name is whaea Gema. she dose the boys reading groups so shes hardly in the class. As you know Whaea Amanda left on the last day in term 2. We all miss her and it was sad to see her go.
hi i am back from the weekends and on Saturday we had a netball game we played Rotorua intermediate fliers we won 45-10. Our team made it to the finals and to win we have to get 90 goals to win the trophy. every Tuesday we have netball practcie and in 3 weeks we have lots of games against all the schools around Rotorua at westbrook netball courts

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


On Saturday I went to Netball. We won 21 to 12. We had a good game I went wing attic (WA) and goal attic (GA). We have 10 players in our team so its had to find out whose going to be on the court. Only five of the team go to Kaitao we are very close friends. Were won all our games so far so were hopping to take it out for the year.